Saskatchewan crop yields all over the map



Farmscape for September 14, 2018

Daphne Cruise – Saskatchewan Agriculture


Full Interview 6:09 Listen

Saskatchewan Agriculture reports, due the varying amounts of rain that fell across the province, crop yields this year are all over the map. Saskatchewan Agriculture released its weekly crop report yesterday. Daphne Cruise, a crops extension specialist with Saskatchewan Agriculture, says the south and west central regions experienced very dry conditions so yields are below average but moving toward the northeast, northwest and east central regions yields are looking at least average and, in some cases, above average due to more rains and more timely rains.

Clip-Daphne Cruise-Saskatchewan Agriculture:
Even in the south regions and west central we’re hearing a lot of yields all over the map even within a particular farm, unit. The same crop seeded a mile or two away is varying from the other crop in 10, 20, 30 bushel per acre difference in some cases. It all depends when that rain fell on that crop and how much. As far as quality goes, for the most part quality is looking pretty good. Any kind of downgrades from what we’re hearing is mostly based on weather related events such as lack of moisture, hail, some wind causing issues as well. It wasn’t a very big disease or insect year so not a lot of downgrading because of that. 60 percent of the durum is estimated to grade number one and 34 percent number two. 50 percent of the peas is estimated to fall in the number one grade and 46 percent in the number two grade. 46 percent of the lentils are estimated to grade number one and 49 percent to grade number two. Crop reporters are predicting some lower test weights because of the dry conditions and maybe some seed color, seed shape, seed size and that kind of thing that might be contributing to any kind of downgrading that could happen.

Cruise says it’s been just over a week since the September 5 frost which damaged some of the later seeded canola and soybean crops. She says producers spent most of the week assessing damage and have either swathed those canola crops or, in some cases left the crops, hoping they’ll recover.

For Farmscape.Ca, I’m Bruce Cochrane.

       *Farmscape is a presentation of Sask Pork and Manitoba Pork