2018 Healthy calf conference is back!
Veal Farmers of Ontario’s biennial healthy calf conference is back. This year’s theme is Building the Foundation: Dairy and Veal Healthy Calf. The event will be held on Nov. 27 in Stratford, Ont., at the Arden Park Hotel and on Nov. 29 in Maxville, Ont., at the Maxville & District Sports Complex.
The conference will include a full day of expert speakers sharing the newest information on care of dairy calves, veal cattle and calves started for the dairy-beef market. Attendees can also look forward to a calf-focused tradeshow and great networking opportunities for anyone raising calves.
Attendees will go home with the knowledge they need to immediately improve calf management on their farms. Visit www.calfcare.ca to learn more.
Healthy calves are the building blocks of a successful dairy, veal, or dairy-beef operation.
Getting calves off to a good start can translate into lower mortality rates, higher market prices for calves, decreased use of livestock medicines, lower costs of production and, ultimately, less stress for you, the calf-raiser.
The Healthy Calf Conference focuses on practical ways you can improve the health and welfare of your calves. After leaving the conference, you will have the knowledge needed to go back to your farm and make simple changes to your management to improve the lifelong well-being and performance of your calves.
Prices go up at midnight on November 1st! Register now to secure the lower price.
Go to www.calfcare.ca for more information.
Thu, 29 November 2018
8:30 AM – 3:00 PM EST
Maxville & District Sports Complex
25 Fair Street
Maxville, ON K0C 1T0