Source: Morgan Hobin, proAction® Coordinator
You Must Record On-Farm Incidents Using Record 17
Dairy farms across Alberta know about equipment failure and emergency situations and every dairy producer has experienced them.
Dairy producers have taken the first important step in managing the likelihood of these incidents by writing corrective action plans (CAPs) on how to communicate and address them. Here is the proAction requirement:
FS42 (AC) Do you have a written corrective action plan on how to communicate and address:
- Incorrect administration of medications or other chemicals to an animal?
- Entry of milk from a treated animal into the bulk milk tank?
- Improperly cooled or stored milk?
- Dirty milk contact surfaces?
- Improper water temperature?
- Milking equipment water contaminated with bacteria?
- Sale of a treated animal or an animal with broken needle and the next buyer was not informed?
- Downed animals?
But did you know that these incidents must also be recorded on “Record 17: Deviation and Corrective Action Record”? The proAction requirement is stated here:
FS43: Do you keep a record of any problems that have occurred with and the corrective actions taken regarding [FS42].
While recording every minor issue that is corrected on farm day-to-day is not efficient or effective, recording those incidents relating to the categories in question FS42 can save valuable time in the future.
Maintaining this Record 17 achieves two things for you:
- Provides proof to your validator that your corrective actions have been implemented.
- Tracking such incidents from your farm identifies potential areas for improving on-farm standard operating procedures, farm staff performance and quality control.
Your Milk Pick-Up is Tied to Compliance with proAction®
Any producer who does not complete the annual proAction® activity (full validation, self-declaration or self-declaration audit) or does not effectively maintain their proAction records is subject to the withdrawal of proAction registration and producer licence. This means no milk pick-up.
In May 2019, two producers in Alberta were in the beginning stages of the withdrawal of their proAction registration because they failed to complete their respective proAction full validation and self-declaration audit within their farm’s timeline. For one of these producers, this was their second withdrawal process in the last twelve months. These two producers came very close to not having their milk picked-up by Alberta Milk. Fortunately for both producers they were able to meet the final deadline for submitting the requirements for proAction.
Most producers in Alberta have completed their first proAction validation and as a result have a better understanding of the proAction program and its process. Alberta Milk staff have been available since the start of proAction to provide encouragement and support and to answer questions and concerns. However, it is important that producers are aware of the need for full compliance with proAction because delays in meeting a proAction deadline will mean the start of the proAction withdrawal process which ends with Alberta Milk not picking-up your milk.