NMC to gather in Orlando, Florida, for its annual meeting
Milk quality experts to meet January 28-31, 2020
National Mastitis Council heads to “The Theme Park Capital of the World” – Orlando, Fla., for its 59th annual meeting, Jan. 28-31, 2020, at DoubleTree at the Entrance to Universal Orlando. A dynamic program providing up-to-date research and practical applications of the latest findings in mastitis control and milk quality will be available for the expected 400-plus attendees.
“The 2020 NMC Annual Meeting offers state-of-the-art information on mastitis and milk quality for anyone interested – from scientist to producer,” said Program Chair Sarne De Vliegher of Ghent University, Belgium. The first session will bring a keynote address on innovation in prevention, control and diagnosis of mastitis, followed by a dairy update from around the world. The next session will highlight the latest on several important mastitis-causing pathogens.
“We are very excited about the Friday program that features an interactive session on motivational interviewing – showcasing how it can help improve mastitis management on farms, while reducing the need for antimicrobials at the same time,” said De Vliegher. The final session will be very applied, with experienced speakers touching on mastitis control basics.
In addition to the general sessions, the NMC Annual Meeting offers an optional dairy farm tour and 18 short courses. Farm tour stops include Alliance Dairies, North Florida Holsteins and the University of Florida Dairy Unit. For more information about these dairies, visit http://bit.ly/NMC2020farmtour.
Short course topics include:
To view the meeting agenda and/or to register, go to: http://meeting.nmconline.org. The early registration deadline is Jan. 5, 2020. Registration fees increase $35 per attendee starting Jan. 6, 2020. Pre-registrations are accepted through Jan. 19, 2020. After that date, individuals must register at the meeting.
Other highlights of the upcoming meeting include a silent auction, which supports professional development efforts, 5K Fun Run/Walk and recognition of the National Dairy Quality Award winners, NMC Award of Excellence for Mastitis Prevention and Control recipient, and NMC Scholars.
NMC is a professional organization devoted to reducing mastitis and enhancing milk quality. NMC promotes research and provides information to the dairy industry on udder health, milking management, milk quality and milk safety. Founded in 1961, NMC has about 1,000 members in more than 40 countries throughout the world.