Source: Agri Marketing magazine
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturer’s monthly “Flash Report,” the sale of all tractors in Canada during September 2019 were up 14% compared to the same month last year.
For the nine months in 2019, a total of 17,157 tractors were sold which compares to 17,951 sold thru September 2019 representing a 4% decrease year to date.
For the month, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) were up 19% from last year, while 40 & under 100 HP were up 9%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP were up 5%, while 4-wheel drive tractors were down 21%.
For the nine months, two-wheel drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP) are up 3% over last year, while 40 & under 100 HP are down 13%. Sales of 2-wheel drive 100+ HP are down 17%, while 4-wheel drive tractors are down 33%.
Combine sales were up 26% for the month. Sales of combines for the first nine months totaled 1,038 a decrease of 28% over the same period in 2018.