HIPRA Canada – Building immunity for a healthier world


HIPRA is a family-owned, multinational pharmaceutical company focused on prevention.

(Building Immunity for a Better World )

Headquartered in Spain, the company has rapidly expanded to over 100 countries – including Canada. Since 2013, HIPRA Canada has been working with Canadian veterinarians and producers to improve the health and productivity of their herds – and there is more to come!

HIPRA Canada – Mastitis Prevention


Mastitis is among the costliest diseases of dairy cattle. At HIPRA we believe that PREvention is what dairy PROfessionals do, and we are laser-focused on providing the products and services necessary to prevent disease and promote productivity, health, and welfare in your herds.

Video on the future of mastitis prevention

Pathogens that cause mastitis in Canada

With HIPRA’s complete udder health portfolio, dairy herds can be protected from 73% of the typical pathogens that cause mastitis in Canada.


Name that bug – what causes mastitis in Canada?

We need to understand what is causing our mastitis problems before we can focus on prevention. This article outlines what bugs we’re seeing in mastitis across Canada. At HIPRA, we’ve got you covered – we sell the only vaccine in Canada to reduce the incidence of sub-clinical mastitis and the incidence and the severity of clinical mastitis caused by the top 3 causes of mastitis in Canada: Staphylococcus aureusE.coli and other coliforms, and coagulase-negative staphylococci

Streptococcus uberis: The frustrating mastitis bacterium

With the adoption of the 5-point mastitis control plan, we are better able to control contagious mastitis BUT environmental infections are on the rise. This article, written by Dr. Andew Briggs, outlines how to control mastitis caused by this frustrating bacteria. Stay tuned, HIPRA Canada will be launching a solution VERY soon!

Is vaccination key in the control of Strep. uberis mastitis?

Is vaccination key in the control of Strep. uberis mastitis? A proven field experience in The Netherlands. Once again, prevention through vaccination of Strep. uberis mastitis pays off! Today we are again in The Netherlands where local veterinarian Adriaan Beulens, passionate about milk quality, decided to go for mastitis vaccination as another tool in his tool-box to fight against Strep …

Visit mastitisvaccination.com for the latest evidence-based information on mastitis prevention!

Follow this link for the latest evidence-based information on mastitis prevention!

HIPRA Canada – Respiratory Disease Prevention

In addition to mastitis, bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is a major contributor to poor animal health, welfare, and productivity. It is the number one disease of our young animals, and it can have lasting effects on future health and productivity.

(the future of bovine respiratory disease in 2040)


Breaking the cycle of bovine respiratory disease

This article reviews the common causes of BRD in Canadian cattle and what can be done to reduce their influence. At HIPRA, we have 2 quality vaccines that prevent the most prevalent causes of BRD:

The very first modified live virus vaccine that can be used EITHER intranasally or intramuscularly to reduce the clinical signs, severity, and viral shed against Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV). BRSV is the most important viral cause of BRD in Canada. You can breathe easy with NASYM:

  • Highly effective (University of Saskatchewan study)
    • 90% reduction in mortality,
    • 50% reduction in lung scarring,
    • 63% reduction in virus shedding
  • Flexibility – can be used either intranasally or intramuscularly
  • Highly effective in the face of maternal antibodies
  • INDUSTRY-LEADING 8 months duration of immunity!

The only BRD vaccine that contains:

  1. Leukotoxin against one of the most powerful bacteria that cause respiratory disease – Mannheimia haemolytica
  2. Histophilus somnibacterin

HIPRABOVIS Somni/LKT has proven, strong efficacy in the field for prevention of BRD:

Dr. Eduoard Timset presents an excellent overview of the role that M.haemolytica and H.somni play in BRD: