DCRC Annual Meeting features strategies to optimize dairy cattle reproduction


Source: Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council

Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) members from 26 U.S. states, four Canadian provinces and 23 countries gathered in person (Kansas City, Mo.) and virtually, Nov. 9-11, for the group’s 2021 annual meeting. More than 200 attendees, representing reproductive physiologists, animal health researchers, dairy producers, bovine veterinarians, animal health suppliers and dairy industry partners, reflected on the past, learned about present dairy reproduction technologies and gazed into the future of what lies ahead in improving dairy cattle fertility and animal welfare.

“This year’s DCRC Annual Meeting featured dairy cattle reproduction topics that enhance breeding programs, optimize labor efficiency, capitalize on genomics, boost heifer fertility, build farm sustainability and improve economics,” said DCRC Annual Meeting Program Chair Ralph Bruno, Clovis, Calif. “With the hybrid format (in-person and online attendees), DCRC yielded a broad geographic reach during its annual meeting.” All sessions were recorded, so DCRC Annual Meeting attendees may access the recordings. In addition, DCRC members may access all of the recorded research poster presentations.

“While DCRC’s focus is dairy cattle reproduction, we also addressed related topics, such as nutrition, robotic milking systems, employee management, economics and data analysis,” added DCRC President Michael Overton, Blairsville, Ga. “DCRC’s goal is to help its members gain knowledge of ‘all things dairy cattle reproduction’ and increase awareness of available tools, protocols and technologies that may help improve dairy cattle fertility and dairy farm profitability and sustainability, and foster high standards of animal care.”

Outgoing DCRC President Michael Overton, Zoetis, passed the gavel to Matt Utt, Select Sires. Other DCRC board members are: Vice President BJ Jones, Center Hill Veterinary Clinic; Secretary-Treasurer Luciano Caixeta, University of Minnesota; Past President Overton; and director members Natalia Martinez-Patino, Zoetis; Eduardo Ribeiro, University of Guelph; and Brian Schilling, Schilling Farm, LLC. Committee chairs include: Awards Chair Katelyn Allen, Hoard’s Dairyman; Program Chair Pablo Pinedo, Colorado State University; Education Chair Alex Scanavez, Alta; Membership Chair Carli Woodward, Phibro Animal Health; and Nomination Chair Michael Overton. DCRC thanks outgoing board members Julio Giordano, Cornell University, Luis Mendonca, Merck Animal Health; and Jeff Stevenson, Kansas State University, for their devoted service to DCRC.

DCRC thanks its annual meeting sponsors who contributed to the professional development program’s success. The Gold sponsor was STgenetics. Silver sponsors included ABS Global, Alta, Arm & Hammer Animal Nutrition, Estrotect, Select Sires and Zoetis. Bronze sponsors were Adisseo, Boehringer Ingelheim, Genex, Jefo Nutrition Inc., Merck Animal Health, Nedap Livestock Management, Parnell, Trans Ova Genetics and VAS.

Next year’s DCRC Annual Meeting is set for Nov. 15-17, in Madison, Wis. Watch the DCRC website – www.dcrcouncil.org – for program updates.

The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council is focused on bringing together all sectors of the dairy industry – producers, consultants, academia and allied industry professionals – for improved reproductive performance. DCRC provides an unprecedented opportunity for all groups to work together to take dairy cattle reproduction to the next level.