Dairy Management Inc’s 2021 Annual Report Now Available Online


Source: Dairy Management Inc. news release

Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), the planning and management organization that oversees the national dairy checkoff program on behalf of America’s dairy farmers and importers, has posted its 2021 annual report at www.usdairy.com/for-farmers/resources.

The report provides checkoff funders and other members of the dairy community key highlights of 2021 strategies and programs and an audited financial report. It also outlines activities aligned around DMI board-approved priorities that focus on growing sales domestically and internationally, building trust with consumers and youth, and positioning dairy globally as a sustainable food source.

“Our annual report is just one of many ways that farmers and other checkoff funders can learn more about their investment in the program,” said Marilyn Hershey, Pennsylvania dairy farmer and DMI chair. “Not only does the report share examples of 2021 outcomes, it offers links to more information for those who want to take a deeper dive into checkoff priorities and programs.”

About Dairy Management Inc.

Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) is funded by America’s nearly 30,000 dairy farmers, as well as dairy importers. Created to help increase sales and demand for dairy products, DMI and its related organizations work to increase demand for dairy through research, education and innovation, and to maintain confidence in dairy foods, farms and businesses. DMI manages National Dairy Council and the American Dairy Association, and founded the U.S. Dairy Export Council, and the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy.