Health Canada Updates Regulations on Lambda-Cyhalothrin


Health Canada has revised its regulations on the insecticide lambda-cyhalothrin, reinstating certain livestock feed uses while maintaining restrictions on others. Key changes include:

  • Reinstated Uses: Canola and flax seed/meal, field corn grain and milled by-products, popcorn grain, legume vegetable seeds, soybean seeds/hulls/meal, and cereal grains/milled by-products.
  • Cancelled Uses: Apples, peaches, and various livestock feed crops such as canola forage, corn silage, and soybean forage.
  • Application Limit on Turf: Reduced from four to two times per season.
  • Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs): Adjustments made for animal food commodities and revoked for apples and peaches.

These changes, effective February 3, 2025, align with the latest scientific assessments to protect human health. Public comments on the proposed MRLs can be submitted until April 19, 2025.

📌 Read the full details: Health Canada Pesticide Product Information Database