Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 3.4 Animal health is an integral component of animal welfare. Producers should maintain the health of their animals through appropriate...
Source: Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) In October 2023, the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) conducted the annual review of Canadian farm gate milk prices. As a result of the review and consultations with stakeholders, the CDC has postponed the farm gate...

Component Pricing

Source: Government of Canada Special Milk Class Prices: November 2023 Milk Class Butterfat ($/kg) Proteins ($/kg) Other solids ($/kg) 5(a) 9.3289 6.8711 0.296 5(b) 9.3289 2.7995 2.7995 5(c) 7.453 2.6205 2.6205 Class 4(a) solids non fat price The 4(a) solids non fat prices will be calculated and posted by the 5th of each month for the effective price...
Source: Canadian Grain Commission It is important to monitor grain temperature and to keep stored grain cool and dry by regular aeration or by turning it. High moisture and warm temperatures in grain allow for the rapid growth of insects, fungi...
Source: FCC,  Graeme Crosbie, Senior Economist At the end of August, the P5 announced it was cancelling incentive days for the fall, signalling that the additional production was no longer necessary. There are now only two incentive days this fall in...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Applications open October 30 for the 2023 Canada-Alberta Drought Livestock Assistance program, providing livestock producers with up to $165 million to maintain breeding herds. The governments of Alberta and Canada are partnering on the 2023 Canada-Alberta...
Now that the 2023 corn silage harvest is complete, you should take some time to evaluate the crop you produced and the feed you will be feeding from it for the next year. It is always good to review...
Source: Canola Council of Canada A new literature review in the international journal, Advances in Dairy Research, examined 20 years' worth of canola meal studies in dairy rations.1 "The research showed that canola meal is a high-quality protein feed ingredient...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada After an intense summer of wildfires and drought, B.C.'s farmers and ranchers are receiving additional support to repair or replace damaged infrastructure and to help with the expenses they incurred to keep their animals fed,...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada Each year, the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) reviews the cost of production data using an established formula to assess whether there is a need for a price adjustment of milk at farmgate, the price allocated...