On March 26, Maizex hosted a webinar with Professor Joe Lauer of the University of Wisconsin (available here until April 30). One of the key takeaways from the discussion was to make sure you are optimizing your plant population...
Source: Government of Alberta “Weekly updates from the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) provide useful crop movement and demand information,” says Neil Blue, provincial crops market analyst with the Alberta government. The CGC statistics include volumes of bulk crops moved through facilities...
Source: Alberta Milk The Western Milk Pool (WMP), a collaboration between BC Milk, BC Dairy, Alberta Milk, SaskMilk and Dairy Farmers of Manitoba, is pleased to provide a formal update on Dairy Innovation West (DIW), the state-of-the-art milk concentration plant...
A partnership made between Schippers Canada and Farmers Depot in 2023, is now resulting in reduced costs which are being passed onto livestock producers through lower retail prices. The companies, which are known for bringing innovation and top tier products...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 5.7 Lameness is a painful condition that results in reduced mobility, dry matter intake, and milk production as well as...
Mathieu Lipari, CPA, CA, Senior Manager, Agricultural Risk Management Resource Excellent production levels are not enough to keep a farm going. The key to success is not only how well you produce, but also how well you manage your farm...
Source: Government of Alberta Alberta is a global leader in agriculture research and technology. This results in increased productivity, competitiveness, sustainability and food security for both producers and consumers. To help find new ways to put more food on plates...
Source: Government of Alberta “Canola producers, particularly those with canola in storage, follow canola cash prices,” says Neil Blue, provincial crops market analyst with the Alberta government. “However, not all canola producers track basis, the difference between the cash price...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Today, the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, announced that the interest-free limit of the Advance Payments Program has been set at $250,000 for the 2024 program year. This is the portion of...
Farm: Henria Holsteins Inc. Names: Henk, Maria, Gerrit & Reba Pastink Parlour type: Rotary Milking points: 50 Herd size: 600 ADF installation date: 01/11/2009 Location: Conn, Ontario “We’ve had ADF for 14 years now and we really can’t imagine not having it” Henria Holsteins was one of the first farms in Canada to install...