Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: T. Mutsvangwa – Research Associate/University of Guelph; T. Wright – Acting Dairy Cattle Nutritionist/OMAFRA ntroduction Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA), also known as chronic or sub-clinical acidosis, is a well-recognized digestive...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster A research project led by Nathalie Bissonnette (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) -Sherbrooke) and Kapil Tahlan (Memorial University of Newfoundland) is investigating genetic markers in dairy animals that may be associated to Johne’s disease susceptibility or resistance. The project, Unraveling...
Source: Dairy Processors Association of Canada The Dairy Processors Association of Canada (DPAC) welcomes measures announced in the 2021 Federal Budget to support dairy processors impacted by recent trade agreements as a step in the right direction. Compensation measures totalling $292...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Today, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, announced the reappointment of Serge Riendeau as Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) for a one year-term, effective May 14, 2021. Mr....
P and K Fertility in Forage-Dominated Rotations: Are You Keeping Up? Corn silage is an essential part of many livestock operations as a primary feed ingredient. Maximizing silage crop performance is key to profitability as a result. As we approach...
Source: DPAC Until recently, we had been boasting about unmatched growth of milk production in Canada, thanks to consumers’ renewed taste for milk fat. After years of suffering through low-fat diet trends, wholesome foods like dairy were back. Despite this growth...
National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 2.2 The nutritional requirements of the cow can be met using a variety of feed components. Cows can be fed...
Source: Lactanet Canada This week marks an important highlight in the history of dairy cattle improvement services in Canada as Lactanet introduced the first genetic evaluations for Feed Efficiency in the Holstein breed. Feed is a major expense on every dairy...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Dairy farmers provide Canadians with a stable supply of high-quality products, and are an essential part of the country’s rural landscape. Supporting them as they adapt to new market realities and consumer demands is vital...
Awards winners recognized at 2021 Livestock Care Conference Outstanding contributors to advancing farm animal care in Alberta were celebrated with Awards of Distinction at the recent Livestock Care Conference, hosted by Alberta Farm Animal Care (AFAC). With a theme of “Are...