Source: The Mastitis Network Prior to administering an injection, make sure of the following: Consult a veterinarian about the proper use of medication. When indicated in label directions, administer medication subcutaneously. Restrain the animal properly. Avoid injecting in the rump or...
Source: Dairy Processors Association of Canada The Dairy Processors Association of Canada welcomes two new members: Bel Group and Fairlife – Coca-Cola. Founded in 1865, the Bel Group is a family-owned group that has expanded internationally and is known to consumers...
Source: Lely During this year's Lely Future Farm Days in October a new data platform saw light: Lely Horizon. With the aim of connecting all Lely products to this platform, Lely now introduces Cloud Connect for the Juno feed pusher...
Source: International Dairy Federation The International Dairy Federation (IDF) has today (18 November 2020) published an update to its Bulletin on the Codex General Standard for the Use of Dairy Terms, also known as the GSUDT, providing the reader with...
Source: Dairy Calf and Heifer Newsletter Whether it’s a dairy calf, human infant or baby giraffe, all newborns enter a “dirty world” that is filled with “germs,” viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms – many of which cause disease. Fortunately, Mother...
Source: BMC Veterinary Research Abstract Background In dairy herds, mastitis causes detrimental economic losses. Genetic selection offers a sustainable tool to select animals with reduced susceptibility towards postpartum diseases. Studying underlying mechanisms is important to assess the physiological processes that cause differences...
Source: Lactanet Canada In April 2020, the Industry Standards Committee of Lactanet Canada proposed recommendations allowing greater flexibility in the requirements for publishable lactations and official genetic indexes for production traits. These recommendations, which were approved by the Lactanet Board...
Source: GEA What goes for human beings, also goes for dairy cows: A healthy and individually tailored diet is one of the most important requirements for high performance and well-being. With GEA’s automated feeding systems, the perfect recipe can be...
Source: University of British Columbia In Canada, as in many other developed countries, the practice of dairy farming is continually evolving. There were approximately 20,000 Canadian dairy farms in 1999 but now, two decades later, this number has declined by...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Today, the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, joined Montpak and other Laval and Montreal area food processors, to highlight the almost $2 million in investments under the Emergency Processing Fund for nine...