Source: Purdue University news release The annual summary recording nationwide grain dust bin explosions reported nine incidents in 2022. This compares to seven reported incidents in 2021 and a 10-year average of 7.8 explosions annually. Kingsly Ambrose, Purdue University professor of...
Source: Pioneer news release *Agronomists and corn producers have long been interested in the potential to improve corn growth and yield by controlling the orientation of the corn seed in the furrow at planting. *The reason that seed orientation could potentially...
Source: AgReliant Genetics news release While fungicides may help reduce the impact of tar spot on yield, the best long-term solution to this devastating corn disease is selecting hybrids with genetic tolerance, experts reported at the recent Tar Spot Summit...
Source: Organic Farm Partners news release Organic Farm Partners announces its new venture dedicated to converting conventional farmland to organic and making the investment in organic farmland accessible through fractional shares. "Organic demand has outpaced supply by a 4:1 ratio for...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry “Extreme weather events, full manure storages, delayed harvest or contractor availability may be some of the most common reasons why a farm operator may need to spread manure on frozen and/or snow-covered ground,” says Trevor...

Prevent spoilage

Source: Canadian Grain Commission Safe storage guidelines Producers can use the following charts to prevent spoilage of stored grain How to use the charts: Measure the moisture content and temperature of your crop as it goes into storage. Plot this initial moisture...

Check those bins

Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry “Stored crop is worth caring for,” says Neil Blue, provincial crops market analyst with the Alberta government. “While lower than last year’s prices, crop prices are still historically high, and worth protecting in storage.” After being...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Manitoba's crop insurance coverage is expected to increase for the upcoming crop year, Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today. The ministers released details indicating that 2023...
Source: CHS news release "We continue to reinvest in projects that bring even more value to our owners while expanding customer-focused retail solutions for area farmers," says Rick Dusek, executive vice president of CHS ag retail operations. "Our continued focus...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Canada's Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit announced total funding of $17.6 million today for crop-related research in 2023. Invested through Saskatchewan's Agriculture Development Fund (ADF), the announcement includes...