Source: Lactanet, Hannah Sweett, Ph. D. and Brian Van Doormaal Lactanet’s improved Feed Efficiency evaluations allow you to better predict an animal’s lifetime feed efficiency and maximize your herd profitability! Are you wondering how your animals can receive a Feed...
Source: Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council news release More than 200 Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) members from 27 U.S. states, four Canadian provinces and 11 countries gathered in person (Middleton, Wis.) and virtually, Nov. 15-17, for the group's 2022 annual...
Source: Holstein Association USA Genetic evaluations for Productive Life, Somatic Cell Score and Net Merit Dollars of bulls have been available in the U.S. since January 1994. This information is reported for bulls in Sections 1 and 2. Similar genetic...
Source: Pennsylvania State University Author: Andrew Sandeen The use of beef sires in dairy herds has increased dramatically in recent years. McWhorter et al. (2020) noted that the number of matings of beef breed sires to dairy cows more than doubled...
Source: Elsevier Genetic selection is a powerful tool to improve livestock production, given that genetic gains are cumulative and permanent, and feeding behavior in cows may be used as an indicated trait for feed efficiency. In a new report in the Journal...
Source: Frontiers Journal Jan Pieter VAN DER BERG1  , Gijs A. KLETER1 , Evy BATTAGLIA1 , Martien A. M. GROENEN2 , Esther J. KOK1 Author information - 1. Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen University and Research, 6700 AE Wageningen, the Netherlands 2. Animal Breeding and Genomics, Wageningen University and Research, 6700 AH...
Source: International Milk Genomics Consortium, Peter Williamson, Ph.D. Sequencing the bovine genome has made genomic selection of dairy cows possible. Incorporating genomics into herd improvement schemes has markedly increased productivity and health traits. Rates of genetic change increased by 50–100%...
Source: Genome Canada Genomics can help dairy farmers choose cattle stocks that increase milk production while also reducing methane emissions, which present a significant greenhouse gas challenge for the industry. Around 30% of the anthropogenic methane production globally comes from dairy...
Source: Applied Animal Science ABSTRACT Objective The objective was to evaluate the efficiency of single-step genomic BLUP (ssGBLUP) compared with conventional BLUP for milk yield in Thai-Holstein dairy cows. Materials and Methods Data included 130,195 test-day milk yield records from the first parity of...
Source: Lactanet Producers and consumers around the globe have had an increased interest in A2 milk, mainly for its improved digestibility. But did you know there is another milk casein entering the niche market? Kappa Casein is known to play...