MAXIMUS, the high-tech prevention solution to protect your farm! MAXIMUS PREVENTION is a solution that monitors the electrical network of your livestock buildings in real time by measuring the loss and intensity of amperage to ground. When this loss exceeds...
Source: The Dairyland Initiative, School of Veterinary Medicine Successful housing and management of the cow during the period from 21 days before to 21 days after calving is critical to the overall success of the dairy herd. The transition cow facility...
Source: Vostermans Ventilation When the decision to acquire new fans has been made, the next question is often: How many fans do I need to achieve the desired result. While this depends heavily on the application, some general assumptions can...
Source: Agri Marketing magazine According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' monthly "Flash Report," the sales of all tractors in Canada through September 2020 are up 25% from last year. For the month of September, two-wheel-drive smaller tractors (under 40 HP)...
Source: GEA It is easy to overlook a case of mastitis, particularly if there are no visible signs. And checks at the bulk tank or composite samples mean producers still run the risk of missing individual cases due to the...
Source: Lely Lely introduces a faster auger motor for the Vector feeding system. The higher rotational speed of the auger improves the mixing and cutting quality. As a result, less mixing time is required, which increases the capacity of the...
Source: University of Minnesota Extension Marcia Endres, Extension dairy team leader and Jim Salfer, Extension dairy educator Robotic milking systems (RMS) are becoming more common in the USA, especially in the Upper Midwest and Northeast regions. Dairy producers choose to install...
The Bryant family has lived and operated on their dairy farm in the Strathroy area since the early 1900’s. Today Dean and Amy Bryant (dairy), and Ian and Emma Bryant (crops), run the farm along with parents, Ervin and...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 3.14 The proper placement of trainers contributes to stall and cow cleanliness and udder and claw health. Incorrectly positioned trainers...
Source: proAction The Food Safety program requires farmers to test the water that they use on milk contact surfaces because poor quality water can adversely affect milk safety. Food Safety Requirement: farmers must test the water used for milking equipment sanitation...