Source: National Mastitis Council
The continued popularity of culturing bulk tank milk (BTM) to monitor milk quality suggests that this procedure is beneficial to dairy producers and practitioners. However, few laboratory procedures for testing milk quality are more abused and...
Source: GEA
Healthy udders that are well looked-after ensure optimum milk quality, and therefore healthy, long-term yields. The basis for this is reducing the risk of new udder infections by selecting the right teat dip. For this purpose GEA has...
Source: proAction
This fact sheet lists each Workbook question from the Food Safety program that has a different application for Automatic Milking Systems (AMSs) and then describes the requirements. The Workbook questions not listed apply to AMSs as written, and...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 1.8
There are three main types of milking systems: pipeline, parlors and robotics. All systems require attention to maintaining...
Source: International Dairy Federation
by Piercristiano Brazzale, Brice Bourbon, Pierre Barrucand, Mark Fenelon, Stefano Guercini and Raffaele Tiarca
Like all wastes produced by a production plant, dairy wastewater needs to be treated before it is discharged into water bodies. Owing to...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: Harold House - Dairy and Beef Housing and Equipment Engineer/OMAFRA
This Factsheet discusses opportunities for increasing milk production by adjusting the lighting in dairy barns. It explains some of...
Source: Alberta milk, Cleanfarms
It’s winter on the prairies, so it’s time to empty grain bags to move last fall’s harvest to dryers and then to market. For growers who use grain bags, that means recycling them instead of landfilling,...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 1.4
Stall design is a very important factor in cow comfort that translates to more and better quality milk,...
Source: Agri Marketing magazine
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' monthly "Flash Report," the sales of all tractors in Canada in 2020 were down 7% over last year.
For the year, a total of 1,207 tractors were sold, which compares to...
Source: GEA
Dairy farming and farmers are having to adapt to changing conditions not only at an economic, but also at an environmental, socio-cultural and consumer level. Building resilience at the cow, farm and sector level will be important for...