Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: Steve Clarke - Rural/Environmental Engineer (Provincial Crop Engineering Specialist)/OMAF; Allen Hills - College Senior Instructor (Engineering Research)/University of Guelph; Ben Hawkins - Associate Director (Academics & Engineering Research)/University of Guelph
Source: Agri Marketing magazine
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' monthly "Flash Report," the sales of all tractors in Canada in 2019 were down 5% over February sales last year.
For the year, a total of 2,501 tractors were sold,...
Source: Vermeer Corporation news release
Vermeer Corporation has announced a new partnership agreement with Tubeline Manufacturing, headquartered in Ontario, Canada. Under the new agreement, Tubeline will help to expand the Vermeer full line of hay and forage tools to better...
Source: Agri Marketing magazine
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' monthly "Flash Report," the sales of all tractors in Canada in 2019 were down 19% over last year.
For the year, a total of 1,280 tractors were sold, which compares...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
The Farm Energy and Agri-Processors (FEAP) Program continues to share costs with producers who are upgrading components of their grain dryers to high-efficiency models. Katherine Rogers, energy extension coordinator with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, clarifies what...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Ontario
Objective: Measure wetness of stall bedding
Where: In freestalls and tiestalls measure the same stalls used in the in-barn checklist
When: During the in-barn checklist
What you need:
• One technician
• 24 Bounty® paper towels folded in four
• Stall...
Source: University of Minnesota Extension
There’s one key difference between compost dairy barns and freestall dairy barns. Instead of free stalls and freestall alleys, compost dairy barns have a bedded pack area that’s aerated twice daily.
You can lay out compost...
Source: Agri Marketing magazine
According to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers' monthly "Flash Report," the sales of all tractors in Canada for February 2018 were up 8% compared to the same month last year.
For the year, a total of 2,858...