By Tony Hall, MSc, MRSB, PAS, Lallemand Animal Nutrition – North America When temperatures dip, cows divert more of their energy intake to maintaining normal body temperatures. For dairy producers, the switch comes at the expense of milk production. There...
Source: Lely Winter can be challenging for any livestock operation and without proper attention, it can lead to problems. Dairies with robotic milking systems are no exception. With temperatures dropping outside, inside the barn there are a multitude of possible issues...
Canada's measures hurting American farmers, U.S. trade representative says The United States is formally accusing Canada of unfairly limiting the ability of American dairy producers to sell their products north of the border. The U.S. has made an official request for...
 Welcome to the Podcast. Today’s guest is Nicole Stewardson from Stewardson Dairy Inc, Nicole is a passionate Dairy Farmer, Cash Cropper and Chicken Farmer from Beautiful Lambton Shores Ontario.  She is extremely active on Twitter with positive and...
Source: Canadian Dairy Commission In October 2020, the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC) conducted a review of Canadian farm gate milk prices and various other costs used in administering the supply management system. As a result of the review and consultations, the...
Welcome to the Podcast. This is a fun series interviewing great guests in the North American Dairy Industry. Today’s guest is Lee Nurse a highly regarded Dairy Farmer from Beautiful Prince Edward County Ontario Canada. Lee has been...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada DFC wants to remind the federal government that while the effects of three successive trade agreements are being felt on farms, farmers are still waiting for the compensation they were promised. Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC)...
The Maizex experience in the 2020 Great Ontario Yield Tour leads us to two important observations: 1) ear counts are often too low for big yields, and 2) improved ear girth (rows around) is often associated with higher yields on the...
Reproduction is one of the most important aspects to any dairy operation. However, many dairy farms struggle to hit their herd’s reproductive goals. Reproductive performance and farm economic efficiency are related to uterine health status. Studies show that there...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) welcomes the renewed commitment in today’s Speech from the Throne on compensation for dairy farmers for the import access concessions made under the last three trade agreements. “The Speech from the...