Boehringer Ingelheim
Pneumonia is like a thief in the night. It’s hard to detect, but it steals from your bottom line and the losses can be devastating.
“Once animals get past 6 to 8 months of age, we typically think they...
Optimize rumen function for increased cow performance and feed efficienc.
Have you ever felt like it’s too hot to eat? During periods of heat stress, cows can feel the same way. Just like humans, cows often change their feeding behavior...
Dr. Chris Reynolds, Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio State University
The Jersey breed has a passionate following, and there is ample evidence that this is justified. Surveys and research have indicated that when compared with Holstein cows, Jersey cows have...
Source: University of Kentucky
The importance of preventing lameness in dairy cattle is recognized by all those involved in the dairy industry. Everyone recognizes that lame cows are an animal welfare concern, need to be detected as early as possible,...
Source: National Mastitis Council
Heifer mastitis is a disease that threatens production and udder health in the first and subsequent lactations. An integrated strategy to prevent and control heifer mastitis should include goal setting, assessment of the current farm systems,...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives
Water is often neglected when looking at the feeding and management of a dairy operation. It is, however, the most important nutrient we provide the cow and nothing will result in a more immediate...
Source: proAction
Two methods can be used for scoring lameness in dairy cattle: Gait Scoring or Stall Lameness Scoring. Please see the Quick Guide to Gait Scoring for a description of that protocol.
Stall Lameness Scoring
Use only with tie-stall systems where...
Oregano essential oil (OEO) was found to help lower milk somatic cell count (SCC) and reduced levels of oxidative stress biomarkers, leading to greater milk production. These findings were from trials carried out at the Federal University in Brazil.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: T. Mutsvangwa – Research Associate/University of Guelph; T. Wright – Acting Dairy Cattle Nutritionist/OMAFRA
Sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA), also known as chronic or sub-clinical acidosis, is a well-recognized digestive...
Source: Mastitis Network
Recommendations :
All operators responsible for milking should always follow a consistent routine and go through the recommended steps in the proper order.
First, wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly and put clean gloves on
.Disinfect your hands...