Source: PennState Extension Ensuring that your calves are achieving a healthy weaning transition is key to their nutritional success as they grow and develop. Are your calves experiencing a decrease in performance once they are transitioned from milk? Perhaps you are...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada On average, each of Canada's dairy cows produces 8,500 litres of milk per year. Farmers must monitor them closely in their first year of lactation, as they are more fragile during this time and can...
Source: University of British Columbia Dairy cattle, By Jane Stojkov and David Fraser1 Every year about 250,000 cows are removed from Canadian dairy herds, in many cases with health challenges such as lameness or mastitis. The marketing system for cull...
Source: Alberta Farm Animal Care Antimicrobials have been widely used in livestock since the 1950’s (1). Food animal production has steadily increased over the years, requiring better disease management on farms. More than 75% of antimicrobials in Canada have been...
Source: Dairy Research and Extension Consortium of Alberta Why is this important? During the transition period, dairy cows experience reduced feed intake, negative energy balance and reduced immune function leading to a high incidence of disease around the time of calving....
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Peter Doris Livestock grazing on lush green pastures is a pleasant picture for farmers and people driving through the countryside and an integral part of many livestock farms....

Hoof trimming

Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 4.9 Claws grow about 1/4in (5-7mm) per month (73). However, the walking surface affects the rate of growth and location of...
Reproduction is one of the most important aspects to any dairy operation. However, many dairy farms struggle to hit their herd’s reproductive goals. Reproductive performance and farm economic efficiency are related to uterine health status. Studies show that there...
Source: Ontario Farm Animal Council PAIN: An unpleasant sensation occurring in varying degrees of severity as a result of injury or disease. Signs of pain and suffering may include one or more of the following: Unwillingness to rise to its feet ...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives The answer is yes! Almost everyone has had experience with cows scouring when placed on pasture or if fed a high protein forage. Of more importance, however, is the effect that high dietary protein...