Mastitis Hurts “Mastitis is like an iceberg – effects float with only a fraction of their bulk above the water” Sigmund Freud quote, altered to fit mastitis in cattle. This wouldn’t be a mastitis article if I didn’t mention that mastitis is...
Merck Animal Health (known as MSD Animal Health outside the United States and Canada) announces the launch of Armatrex™ – an EPA registered bacteriostatic spray-on antimicrobial solution for use on structures and physical components in a variety of livestock...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Daniel Ward – Engineer, Poultry and Other Livestock – Housing and Equipment/OMAFRA; Kevin McKague – Engineer, Water Quality/OMAFRA Providing enough quality water is essential for good livestock husbandry. Water makes...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives Retained placentas are defined as failure of the cow to expel the placenta within 12 hours of calving. The usual incidence of retained placentas in a herd is less than 5%. Although difficult calvings...
Source: National Mastitis Council Proper milking procedures, attention to detail, and a clean environment are required to minimize mastitis and maximize production of quality milk. Milking should be done by people who are responsible, trained, conscientious, and have a clear...
Source: proAction Body Condition Score (BCS) is a tool for determining if an animal is too thin, too fat or in ideal condition. BCS charts range from 1 (emaciated) to 5 (fat).   Assess body condition of the animal to determine...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs Where Do They Live? Bedding, soil or water that is contaminated with manure. How is Infection Spread? From the environment to the udder at any time. The risk of new infection is highest around calving...
Source: Dairy Research and Extension Consortium of Alberta Why is this important? The University of Saskatchewan Rayner Dairy herd recently experienced a Salmonella Dublin outbreak. S. Dublin poses significant risk to the health and productivity of dairy, veal, and beef herds,...


Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 3.5 Lameness among dairy cows is widely recognized as one of the most serious (and costly) animal welfare issues affecting...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Fact Sheet written by: Vanessa Taylor – Milk Quality Assurance Program Lead/OMAFRA. Introduction Looking for one change in a cow’s udder health status may not give you enough of a warning that something is...