Source: University of Wisconsin Written by AERICA BJURSTROM, Jackie MCCARVILLE and Faith Reyes What is HPAI / Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza? Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is an emerging issue that poses a significant threat to the health and well-being of dairy...
Source: Merck Animal Health news release Merck Animal Health, known as MSD Animal Health outside of the United States and Canada, a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA (NYSE:MRK), today announced the introduction of SENSEHUB® Dairy Youngstock,...
Source: University of Kentucky By: Jeffrey Bewley, Ph.D. Maintaining a low bulk tank somatic cell count has always been a good dairy management strategy. Low somatic cell counts are associated with improved milk quality, increased shelf life and cheese yield after...
A Texas A&M University research study by Cooke et al. (2023)* evaluated the impact FerAppease, a unique analogue of the naturally occurring Maternal Bovine Appeasing Substance (MBAS), had on the health and performance of preweaned Holstein calves. Results showed...
Getting the fresh cow off to a strong start has ripple effects for her entire lactation. Subclinical mastitis rarely gets treated due to an unawareness or a lack of interest in pulling her from the tank. Nisin is a...
Source: University of Minnesota What are agrivoltaics? Agrivoltaics refer to growing crops, building pollinator habitats or raising livestock underneath solar panels. It allows for renewable energy systems and agriculture to occur on the same piece of land. What are the benefits? Improve land...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives Many factors affect the health of your cows feet. Management factors such as providing a well drained environment, adequate size stalls, foot baths, annual foot trimming and following recommendations for flooring materials can help...
The dry period is a critical time during a cow's lactation cycle when we see an increase in mammary epithelial cells proliferation so she can replace the cells that have likely died off during the course of her lactation...
Source: OMAFRA Introduction Every dairy producer has cattle that are too fat or too thin for their stage of lactation. Failure to recognize these cows and take action can result in unintentional costs such as disease treatments, reduced milk production and...
Source: Pennsylvania State University Dairy heifers represent a significant investment in a dairy herd's future genetics, production, and financial welfare. Prevention and treatment of mastitis in all ages of heifers is crucial to your farm's future profitability. Many times, heifers...