Source: University of Kentucky
With any disease, prevention is “worth its weight in gold”. This concept is extremely important as it pertains to preventing lameness through the implementation of sound management practices. Lame cows often struggle to perform as expected,...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives
Non-Fibre Carbohydrates in Dairy Diets
Most feed analysis labs now routinely report nonfibre carbohydrate (NFC) levels, also commonly known as nonstructural carbohydrates (NSC). The following are answers to the common questions about this relatively new...
Source: OMAFRA
You can track heifer growth to make informed decisions of when to breed using simple tools
Steady growth early in life plays a crucial role in preparing a heifer for future lactations and age at first calving. Body condition...
Source: National Dairy Farmers news release
The National Dairy Farmers Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) Program released today new versions of the Animal Care and Workforce Development Programs, refining, updating and improving agriculture-leading benchmarks for animal care and workforce best practices.
Source: American Society for Microbiology
Bovine mastitis, which affects cows, leads to reduced milk production and can be fatal if left untreated. The USDA National Animal Health Monitoring System has reported cases in 99.7% of all dairy operations in the...
Source: University of Minnesota
Quick facts
Heat stress occurs when cows have more heat than they can get rid of and leads to more stress, lower milk production and a higher rate of diseases.
Temperature and humidity levels determine when...
When your bulk tank volume takes a plunge through the last bout of heat, do you ever wonder exactly WHY?
What is it in the udder that changes to cause the decline? Why do we also commonly see elevated SCC...
Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives
Scope of the Problem
Lameness is generally considered to be the 3rdmost economically important health problem in dairy herds after fertility and mastitis. Worldwide incidence is reported as high as 26% of all dairy cattle...
Source: Pennsylvania State University
One main goal of all dairy farms is to produce high-quality, fresh, clean milk. Many management factors go into producing this wholesome product. A healthy, well-cared-for dairy animal is a top priority in achieving this goal....
Source: Arm & Hammer news release
Pathogens are constantly attacking your cows. They come in many forms--viruses, bacteria, mycotoxins and more--and continuously have the ability to rob your cows of their health and productivity. Too prevalent to completely mitigate, it's...