Source: article by Owen Roberts, Journalist, columnist and journalism and communications instructor; Director, Research Communications, University of Guelph Canada; President International Federation of Agricultural Journalists
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, grocery store shelves in Canada continue to be...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
The COVID-19 outbreak has resulted in unforeseen rapid fluctuations in demand for many key products including milk and dairy products. The near complete shutdown of the restaurant industry and changing grocery shopping patterns, in particular,...
Source: Alberta Milk
1. Only permit essential service providers on your farm (vets, milk truck drivers, feed
delivery, etc.).
• Post signs at every entrance to your farm and barn with your cell phone number instructing your suppliers to call you before...
Source: International Dairy Federation
The global dairy sector is taking the impact of COVID-19 extremely seriously. Please find on this page information from the global dairy sector on responses to COVID-19 offering practical support. This page will be updated on a...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Ontario
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From Cheryl Smith, Dairy Farmers of Ontario's Chief Executive Officer:
"During these uncertain times that see our lives changing day by day, including the closing of all non-essential services in Ontario, be assured Ontario’s dairy...
Source: Canola Council of Canada
As our nation responds to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canola Council is consulting with the canola value chain, monitoring developments and coordinating with partner organizations around government engagement on agriculture issues relating to COVID-19 mitigation....
Source: Dairy Processors Association of Canada
As Canada’s response to COVID-19 continues to ramp up, the Dairy Processors Association of Canada (DPAC) asks that the Government of Canada provide clarification on the measures it is taking to support critical infrastructure,...
Source: Prime Minister's Office news release
Canadian farmers and food businesses work hard so Canadians have quality food on their grocery store shelves and kitchen tables. In these times of uncertainty, it is more important than ever to make sure...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Canadian milk is safe to drink. There is no evidence to suggest COVID-19 is circulating in dairy cattle or other livestock nor that it could transmit from human to cattle or vice-versa.
Measures are...
Novozymes Saphera® Fiber enables development of new dairy products with dietary fibers and less sugar.
Novozymes is launching Saphera Fiber, a new lactase enzyme to increase the content of fibers while also reducing sugar in fermented and non-fermented dairy products.