Source: 4-H Canada Close to 300 people gathered at Ottawa’s National Arts Centre to recognize the outstanding contributions of 4-H youth, leaders, alumni and champions and raising a record amount of money for the organization during the 4-H Canada Leadership...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Ontario View PDF   A new study was released on Feb. 25, which associated dairy milk intake with greater breast cancer risk. The study, entitled Dairy, soy, and risk of breast cancer: those confounded milks, was published in...
Source: Canola Council of Canada As the first anniversary of China’s decision to block imports of Canadian canola approaches, the Canola Council of Canada (CCC) is calling on the federal government to resolve the dispute and to support industry diversification...
Source: IDF IDF and ICAR to host a workshop on the use of animal-based indicators of dairy cow welfare and its potential hamonization on 9 June 2020. Animal welfare is a topic that is becoming increasingly important to farmers, consumers and...
Mark Taylor, president & CEO of Lactalis Canada, spoke recently at the Dairy Farmers of Ontario annual general meeting about some of the challenges and the potential for positive outcomes when all sectors of the industry work together. ”Listening to...
Source: Outstanding Young Farmers Alumni and industry gathered to honour Roelof and Mary van Benthem, owners of van Benthem Dairy, located at Spruceview, AB, as Alberta/NWT’s 2020 Outstanding Young Farmers. The winners were announced at the Alberta regional event held...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster Dairy Farmers of Canada’s (DFC) research kiosk will be set up at the Western Canadian Dairy Seminar (WCDS) in Red Deer, Alberta from March 10-13, 2020. With more than 800 participants, most of which are dairy farmers, DFC will...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council In the January Code meeting, several chapters of the Scientific Committee’s research report were presented and discussed. These included cow-calf separation, pain control, and selected housing topics. The Code Development Committee also revised the...
Source: Canadian Federation of Agriculture The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) is extremely concerned on the impacts of the ongoing rail blockades on Canadian farmers, their animals and Canadians who rely on the railway system for access to food and...
Farmscape for February 19, 2020 Colin Robertson - Canadian Global Affairs Institute Full Interview Listen  The Vice President of the Canadian Global Affairs Institute is confident the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement will be approved by the House of Commons by about Easter. The USMCA...