SomaDetect Inc. and Ag Capital Canada (ACC) announced today that $6M venture capital financing will be used to accelerate commercialization of the dairy industry’s only in-line sensor for milk quality, reproductive status and herd health. The financing is led by...
Source: USDA news release The Organic Foods Production Act created the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances (National List) as a tool for managing the substances used in organic production over time. In general, natural substances are allowed in...
Source: Ohio State University, Gustavo M. Schuenemann, DVM, MS, PhD. Professor, Dairy Cattle Health and Management, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University Because of the COVID19 pandemic, milk demand has shifted due to closures of restaurants and other...
Source: CowManager The world of dairy farming is ever evolving, and more and more – and increasingly smarter – tools are available to add to the on-farm toolbox. For many dairy businesses, it’s no longer a matter of if they’re...
Source: University of Minnesota Extension Authors: Joe Armstrong, DVM, Extension educator, cattle production systems and Emily Krekelberg, Extension educator, farm safety and health Quick Facts Farm management includes skills such as: basic husbandry, nutrition, communication, preparation, adaptation, evaluation, attention to detail and establishing a farm culture. Basic...
OTTUMWA — John Deere announced some product production will move from Ottumwa to Mexico by the end of 2023, but simultaneously announced plans to revitalize their Ottumwa plant for the future. The company on Thursday announced that over the next...
Source: Council for Agricultural Science and Technology news release The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) has released a new paper, The Role of Agricultural Science and Technology in Climate 21 Project Implementation. It is now available for free download. This...
Source: University of British Columbia By Kathryn J. McLellan, Daniel M. Weary, and Marina A.G von Keyserlingk Lameness is a painful but common condition in dairy cows, characterized by abnormal gait. Various surveys have estimated lameness prevalence on farms in North...
Source: Michigan State University Extension, Nick Babcock A herd health plan is a wonderful tool to help you manage your livestock all year long. It does not matter if you have a few 4-H project animals for your 4-H fair or...
Source: University of Massachusetts Amherst Introduction Nutritional management requires that dairy cows and their replacements be considered in three distinct groups of animals; a.) mature, non-lactating or dry cows, b.) lactating or milking cows, and c.) growing replacement animals. Each of...