Source: University of Massachusetts Amherst Introduction Nutritional management requires that dairy cows and their replacements be considered in three distinct groups of animals; a.) mature, non-lactating or dry cows, b.) lactating or milking cows, and c.) growing replacement animals. Each of...
Source: Alabama Cooperative Extension System, Boyd Brady, Leanne Dillard, and B. R. Moss To be successful, dairy producers must master all aspects of dairy management. Managing the dry cow is not difficult but is often neglected. How you take care...
Source: DeLaval DeLaval, a global leader in dairy farming solutions, has launched the next generation of its automated teat sprayer, the DeLaval teat spray robot TSR2. The re-designed solution optimizes the task of pre- and post-teat spray application for rotary...
Source: University of Maryland, Sarah Potts Many dairy producers grew up during a time when all heifer calves born on the farm were retained and reared as replacement candidates. However, improvements in pre-weaned calf management, heifer nutrition, and reproductive management have...
Source: OMAFRA Teat condition scoring is a valuable tool that has virtually no cost. Teat condition scoring, particularly on the teat end, can provide a heads-up on problems with milking machine settings, the concentration of germicidal teat dips or the...
Source: University of Minnesota Quick facts Using basic care practices daily can reduce calf illness and death on your farm. Managing heifer calves can help you make sure they: Enter the milking herd quickly. Become strong, healthy and high-producing cows. There’s no single...
Source: University of Guelph Description: Dairy cow feed rations are formulated by determining the animal's total DMI, nutrient requirements, and the amount of feeds available on farm that must be fed to fulfill said requirements. The total DMI varies depending on the...
Source: National Farm Animal Care Council Code of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals – Dairy Cattle, Section 3.4 Animal health is an integral component of animal welfare. Producers should maintain the health of their animals through appropriate...
Source: CowManager The world of dairy farming is ever evolving, and more and more – and increasingly smarter – tools are available to add to the on-farm toolbox. For many dairy businesses, it’s no longer a matter of if they’re...
Source: South Dakota State University Patricia Villamediana, SDSU Extension Dairy Field Specialist Understanding Stressors Courtesy: U.S. Department of Agriculture Dairy cows are susceptible to stress-triggering factors that can have a lasting effect on performance and animal health. Stress can generally be defined as...