by Bradley Zwilling, Illinois FBFM Association and Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois Higher costs coupled with higher milk prices still resulted in continued negative economic returns for Illinois dairy producers in 2021, according to figures summarized...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, and Margaret Cornelius The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for November 2022 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates Report on domestic and...
Source: FCC, Leigh Anderson Overall demand for farm equipment is projected to remain strong into 2023, despite rising interest rates and a weakening Canadian US exchange rate. Demand is supported by strong farm cash receipts, even with commodity prices softening...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, and Margaret Cornelius The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for October 2022 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates Report on domestic and international...
Source: USDA Annual milk cost of production estimates vary by State and the size of operation. These estimates are shown below.  For national and regional annual milk cost of production estimates, please go to commodity costs and returns. Milk cost of production...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, Adriana Valcu-Lisman, and Margaret Cornelius The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for August 2022 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates Report on domestic and international markets...
Source: PennState Extension Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) is an insurance program for U.S. dairy producers who are looking to manage financial risk and minimize the impact of unanticipated declines in milk prices. Locking in a milk price for a future...
Source: Ohio State University Extension, April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences,The Ohio State University Milk prices In the last issue, the Class III futures for June and July were $24.34 and $24.47/cwt, respectively. Class III milk closing...
Source: CIH Dairy margins weakened slightly over the second half of July as milk prices were largely flat while projected feed costs rose a bit. USDA reported June Milk Production at 18.975 billion pounds, up 0.17% from 2021 and the...
Source: National Milk Producers Federation CWT member cooperatives secured 51 contracts in June, adding 5.6 million pounds of American-type cheeses, 254,000 pounds of butter and 600,000 pounds of cream cheese to CWT-assisted sales in 2022. In milk equivalent, this is...