A speaker at the recent joint annual meeting was talking about proactive communications efforts when he turned to the farmers in the audience and addressed us as “communicators.”
I’m sure some of my farming colleagues squirmed a bit in their...
Ask five dairy producers when they think it is the best time to market cull cows and you will most likely get five different responses. Some may say it is in the fall so they don't use any unnecessary...
Written collaboratively by Maristela Rovai, Assistant Professor and SDSU Extension Dairy Specialist, and Luciana da Costa, Assistant Professor and Ohio State University Extension Veterinarian - Dairy.
Fall is upon us now, but sooner than we expect, winter will be approaching at...
Source: The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture
Milk Production
Milk production in the 24 major states during September totaled 17.3 billion pounds, up 0.4% from September 2020. Production per cow for September averaged 1,937 pounds. The number of milk cows...
When it comes to the state of the economy, recent news headlines have gotten more and more dire. America is running out of everything. CEOs say that people will just have to get used to higher food prices. The...
It’s understandable if you don’t know Twitch from Twitter.
The social media world can sometimes seem like a distant galaxy for those of us who aren’t aged 10 to 23. That would be Gen Z and social media is their...
The last few years have not been easy in terms of farm income. On several occasions our financial stability has been shaken by various events, especially the COVID-19 crisis, the instability of the price of milk due to falling...
Milk has been a synonymous symbol of nutrition in school cafeterias across the country for decades. In fact, milk is the only specific food that’s required by the USDA to be offered with every breakfast and lunch.
School milk is...
Life is full of ups and downs, as so is farming. It’s one of the only certainties that we have in life. We won’t feel great all the time and things won’t go smoothly or as anticipated during the...
Feed cost is the most important and expensive input cost on a dairy farm. For a combination of reasons, feed costs have risen sharply since the fall of 2020.
At Central Grain in Sauk Centre, June corn prices are...