Healthy and productive dairy animals are vital to the provision of a safe, sufficient and nutritious food supply at a time of a rapidly increasing global population.
Mastitis causes decreased productivity as well as food loss due to discarded milk....
Like a newborn, cutting edge technology is a thrilling prospect until you have to pay for it. As scientists on the Efficient Dairy Genome Project (EDGP) strive to enhance feed efficiency and lower methane emissions, one question is central...
Over the past few months, discussions on how to develop sustainable food systems have been in the spotlight, and was one of the key topics at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi which I had the pleasure to attend.
By Claus Heggum, representative for food safety on the IDF Science and Programme Coordination Committee, and Aurélie Dubois, IDF Science and Standards Programme Manager
IDF welcomes the first World Food Safety Day, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in...
If you’ve never spent time around dairy cows to see how much they burp, you don’t know what you’re missing. At least, that’s the view of Canadian genome researchers and their counterparts around the globe. As those behind the...
Spring is in the air, and cattle and farmers alike are eager to start the grazing season. Timing that delightful move is critical, as spring grazing management sets up both yield potential of the pasture and the amount of...
Despite the conditions we may currently see when we look outside, spring is here! As temperatures begin to rise and snow begins to melt, we need to keep watch for changes in our stored forages. As many will remember, the...
Although we are in just the first few days of May, persistent rainfall and cooler temperatures are delaying corn planting across much of eastern Canada and already the questions are coming about switching to less than full season hybrids. ...
This winter some of us had the opportunity to go listen to Ken Ferrie at CropSmart. Ken urged us to get back to the basics and make sure we get out of the cab this spring and look at...
Source: blog by Jennifer Sirangelo, CEO, National 4-H Council
Thinking about my growth and path to where I am today, I can't help but feel a sense of duty to encourage girls and young women who aspire to lead....