Source: National Milk Producers Federation news release
It was the fundamental fallacy that launched a thousand news articles: Dairy was dying as consumers were switching to plant-based beverages.
That was always a lie -- but at least from a certain angle,...
Tesla has now sold more than 3 million cars worldwide. There is no doubt that automotive manufacturers are shifting research and development dollars towards making more electric vehicles (EVs) in order capture some of Tesla’s growing market dominance in this space....
For the past several months increases in land values have been a major topic in farm publications and ag related social media. Sales in excess of $20,000/acre for prime cropland have become common, instead of an aberration. Demand for...
The marketers are at it again, breathlessly promoting “innovation” as a storm of startups gather, each hoping to cash out their venture capital before their business models crash and burn. It’s happened in “meat,” it’s happened among some plant-based...
Globally, dairy producers face increasing challenges regarding sustainability, including declining numbers of workers in the agricultural sector, while continuing to meet increasing demand for nutritious and affordable food. Dairy systems must now focus on more sustainable production that reflects...
Being a dairy farmer in Vermont is not an easy life. The work is hard, the hours are long, and cows don't take weekends off. It's a seven day a week operation.
For Vermont farmers, milking cows is not only...
The “decline of the family farm,” purportedly replaced by the “rise of the corporate farm,” for generations has been one of the most well-trodden – and inaccurate – tropes in conversations about U.S. agriculture. It’s true, the number of...
We’re all feeling it. Whether fueling up at the gas pump or making a trip to the grocery store, increasing costs of these basic goods have never been more apparent. Putting food on the table and fueling transportation, while...
Preliminary Results
Soil nitrate tests taken over the last week have showed elevated soil nitrate levels. This is true for sites that had received either manure or fertilizer N. The number of fields sampled to date is not large, so...
Source: Iowa State University
The focus of my 2021 Farm Foundation Agricultural Economics Fellowship was on agricultural carbon markets. Concurrently, I collaborated with a team of Iowa State University researchers tasked with assessing the science gaps that must be addressed...