On this episode of the Let’s Talk Dairy for January 28th 2021, Stuart Childs, Teagasc Dairy Specialist is joined by Joe Patton, Dairy Specialist to discuss milk fever as cows are beginning to calf throughout the country as the...
Dairy Business Association, Minnesota Milk and Dr. Marin Bozic talked about the current state of Federal Milk Marketing Orders, what happened to PPDs in 2020 and the impact of reform.
We are back at the Real Science Exchange for another pubcast joined by dairy industry professionals. This week, during episode #12, our hosts Scott Sorrell and Dr. Clay Zimmerman are joined by Dr. Kevin Harvatine from Penn State University...
Dialing into your Best Dairy: Reaching your Herd’s Genetic Potential opens with CCE Regional Dairy Specialists Betsy Hicks, Lindsay Ferlito, and Margaret Quaassdorff giving an overview of the series. An interview with Cornell University Professor, Dr Mike VanAmburgh, gives...
The crew gathered at the Real Science Exchange again this week for a discussion of how to"Maintain a Healthy Ruminant Digestive Tract." The pub conversation features our guest Dr. Brian Aldridge who works in Rural Animal Health Management at...
Source: National Mastitis Council
‘The Udder Doctor’ draws from more than 40 years of milk quality experience
National Mastitis Council’s (NMC) Feb. 23 webinar features “The Mastitis Triangle: Still Relevant Today.” This free, one-hour educational offering starts at 2 p.m. Central...
K. Cruickshank - Effect of supplementary source of selenium on animal performance during intramammary endotoxin challenge in lactating Holstein cows. U. of Guelph presentation at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA).
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Episode Summary
Guests: Dr. David Kohl, President of AgriVisons, LLC and Dr. Bob James, GPS Dairy Consulting After making it through 2020, it's time to look ahead to what to expect in the dairy markets for 2021. Joining host...
Host Dillon Honcoop's grandfather produced milk for 45 years, raising a family on a small dairy near Lynden, Wash.
90-year-old Lawrence Honcoop sits down with his podcaster grandson for a personal reflection on the challenges and triumphs he faced over...
A presentation given by Emeline Nogues about the effects of castration on the growth and intake of dairy calves at the American Dairy Science Association virtual annual meeting 2020. Dairy bull calves kept for beef production are usually castrated...