Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison Context Antimicrobial stewardship is a public health concern that calls for the judicious use of antimicrobials in veterinary medicine. The FDA has prohibited certain extralabel uses of cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones drugs in the veterinary field to preserve...
Source: Government of Canada Citation J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 100 (Suppl. 2):265. Plain language summary In Canada, corn silage is increasingly fed to lactating dairy cows at the expense of barley silage and other forages, as its high-energy content can improve animal performance....
Source: Elanco A newly-published white paper, “Pathway to Climate Neutrality for U.S. Beef and Dairy Cattle Production” by Drs. Sara E. Place, chief sustainability officer for Elanco Animal Health (NYSE: ELAN) and Frank M. Mitloehner, professor and director of the CLEAR...
Source: University of Georgia Extension INTRODUCTION Antibiotic therapy continues to play an important role in the control of mastitis in dairy cows. Lactational therapy is effective against Streptococcus agalactiae but less successful against infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus and other causes of mastitis. As a...
NovaVive Inc., an animal health immunobiology company, today announced that an article has been published in the Journal of Animal Science ( <> ). The article summarizes a research study evaluating the effect of peripartal (around the time of calving)...
Source: MDPI Simple Summary The aim of this study was to determine the motivation of pasture housed dairy heifers to access shade during southern Brazil’s summer and autumn months, and if social rank affected shade use. Heifers valued shade and worked...
Source: University of British Columbia Cows kept in ‘tie stalls’ are tethered in individual stalls. This is the most prominent form of housing for Canadian dairy cattle (74% of farms in Canada use tie stalls), especially in Quebec and Ontario....
Source: PennState Extension Animal feed production is undergoing a shift in approach to food safety, with preventive measures to address possible hazards before they occur. The safety and quality of feed and forages are critical to avoid losses in production, herd...
Source: BMC Veterinary Research, Ľubomíra Grešáková, Monika Holodová, Małgorzata Szumacher-Strabel, Haihao Huang, Piotr Ślósarz, Janusz Wojtczak, Natalia Sowińska & Adam Cieślak Abstract Background Lactating dairy cows are the greatest livestock contributor of methane, a major global greenhouse gas (GHG). However, good feeding management with adequate mineral intake can offers an effective...
Source: Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Jessica Colby A research team at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) is developing a more cost-effective method to detect a type of salmonella bacteria that’s difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to...