Andrew M. Biggs
What do we know about Streptococcus uberis mastitis and why is it so frustrating?
Streptococcus uberis is recognised in many countries around the world as the problem mastitis bug that can cause difficult to cure cases that often...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster
The most significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairy farms is in the form of enteric emissions originating from cows as they digest feed. As the feed is digested, methane (CH4) is naturally produced...
Source: The University of British Columbia
By Heather Neave, Benjamin Lecorps and Marina (Nina) von Keyserlingk
People vary in how they react to stressful situations and this can affect their health and quality of life; differences that are largely explained by...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
Research by CARA is documenting how adding pulses and crop mixes into rotation could impact soil health.
This 4 year project, which started north east of Oyen this year, is comparing several annual crop mixes -...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster
Research using automated activity monitors reveals a correlation between the intensity of estrous expression and pregnancies per insemination
Authors: Augusto M.L. Madureira, Tracy A. Burnett, Janet W. Bauer, Ronaldo L.A. Cerri (University of British Columbia)
Estrous detection in...
Source: Journal of Dairy Science
E. Belage, S. Dufour, D.A. Shock, A. Jones-Bitton, D.F. Kelton
Milking management practices that affect udder health have been widely studied, leading to a variety of evidence-based recommendations. Lack of adoption or inconsistency in milking practices can interfere with efforts...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Maintaining healthy riparian areas requires an understanding of how they were formed, how they function and how agricultural practices affect them. This fact sheet explains how agricultural practices in livestock production can be adopted to...
Source: DRECA: Dairy Research and Extension Consortium of Alberta
Why is this important?
Producers know that heifer calves represent the future of their herds. In fact, the care provided to calves early in life can have major short- and long-term effects,...
Source: University of British Columbia
Cows often become sick in the ‘transition’ period around calving, and many dairy cows are lame, but research to date has not considered how lameness may put cows at risk for transition cow diseases. In...
Source: Journal of Dairy Science
Cows are regularly removed from dairy herds and sold at livestock markets. Many cows are removed because of health problems, and their fitness for transport may vary because of seasonal variation, delayed or poor on-farm...