Source: Science Direct Author links open overlay panel Ana C.Moncada, Heather W.Neave, Marina A.G.von Keyserlingk, Daniel M.Weary Animal Welfare Program, Faculty of Land and Food Systems, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4, Canada Highlights • Cows with mange are...
Source: University of Manitoba A case study of dairy farms Team: Project Leader:  Dr. Kees Plaizier, Dept. Animal Science, Email: Co-Investigators: Dr. Kim Ominski (U of M), Dr. Emma McGeough (U of M) Industry Partner: Dairy Farmers of Manitoba Funding: UofM, PIN/MRAC, DFM Objective: To identify factors that...
Source: SaskMilk Dr. T. Mutsvangwa, Professor of Ruminant Nutrition This is the final portion of the three-part series about research activities at the Rayner Centre. more detailed information, please contact the principal investigators (P.I.) for the individual projects using the...
Source: National Mastitis Council, Sam Rowe, University of Minnesota PhD candidate Researchers from the University of Minnesota recently published an article in the Journal of Dairy Science, which reports findings from an observational study of cloth udder towel management and intramammary...
Source: University of British Columbia A new study from the UBC Animal Welfare Program was published in Biology Letters – looking at how a painful procedure and the use of pain control strategies impacts the memory of the experience in...
Source: PennState Extension Introduction Oral rehydration solutions are used to replenish fluids and electrolytes that are lost during the course of diarrhea. Also known as electrolytes, these solutions are a convenient way to treat calves with diarrhea. There are many brands...
Source: Alberta Milk New research launched in 2018 is investigating ways to maximize efficiency of robotic milking systems and optimize cow health within those systems. The project, led by Dr. Trevor DeVries of the University of Guelph, is very timely...
Source: SaskMilk Producers who attended the 2019 Dairy Info Day identified cow comfort as a priority in the dairy industry. This aligns with the opinion of dairy farmers throughout North America. Cow comfort is not just a priority for farmers...
Source: University of British Columbia New research from UBC’s Animal Welfare Program shows that prepartum feeding behavior and interactions at the feed bunk are associated with postpartum disease in transitioning dairy cattle. Read the article here: Abstract Hyperketonemia and metritis are common...
Source: National Mastitis Council Almost three decades ago, a relationship between mastitis incidence and decreased reproductive performance was suggested, using mostly observational studies and qualitative literature reviews. In this study, Dolecheck et al. (2019) conducted a meta-analysis, combining data from...