Source: Dairy Research Cluster
The dairy cow, as a ruminant, has the unique ability to transform forages that can’t be digested by humans into a high-value nutritious food: milk. A multidisciplinary team of scientists across Canada are working on improving...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster 3
Principal Investigator: Trevor DeVries (University of Guelph)
Co-Investigators: Greg Penner (University of Saskatchewan), Karin Orsel (University of Calgary)
Collaborators: Tim Mutsvangwa (University of Saskatchewan), Ed Pajor (University of Calgary), Todd Duffield (University of Guelph), Richard Cantin, Débora...
Source: Dairy Research and Extension Consortium of Alberta
Kira Macmillan1 , Mohanathas Gobikrushanth 2 , Amir Behrouzi1 , Brent Hoff3 , Marocs G. Colazo1
1Livestock Systems Section, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Edmonton, AB, E-mail:
2Universtiy of Alberta, Edmonton, AB
3Animal Health Laboratory, University...
Source: University of British Columbia
A symposium review from the Animal Welfare Program published in the Journal of Dairy Science explores the methods used to assess affective or “emotional” states in dairy cattle.
Read the study
Affective states, which refer to feelings...
Download the complete article here3.0 Toxins Hidden Menace in Feed and Silage, Consequences on Performance and Liver Function
Toxins, the hidden menace in this year's corn silage as of Oct 24, 2019. The consequences of dairy performance, Oxidative Stress, and...
Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: Jack Rodenburg, Dairy Systems Production Program Lead/OMAFRA; Brian Lang, Dairy Cattle Production Systems Specialist/OMAFRA
Robotic milking systems depend on voluntary visits by cows to the milking stall. If cows...
Source: Journal of Dairy Science
To read the full research article please click here
The desire to increase profit on dairy farms necessitates consideration of the revenue attainable from the sale of surplus calves for meat production. However, the generation of...
Source: Dairy Research Cluster
Fifteen new research projects targeting dairy farm efficiency and sustainability, cow health and welfare, milk quality, and dairy and cardiometabolic health were announced under the Dairy Research Cluster 3 in July 2019. Joint industry and government...
Source: US National Library of Medicine
Nathalie C. Newby, Cassandra B. Tucker, David L. Pearl, Stephen J. LeBlanc, Ken E. Leslie, Marina A.G. von Keyserlingk, and Todd F. Duffield
Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1 (Newby,...
Source: University of British Columbia
Grooming behavior is expressed by many animals, including cows, and helps them maintain a healthy coat and skin. Cows can groom themselves and herd mates by licking. When housed in naturalistic environments, they also use...