Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: Neil Anderson - Lead Veterinarian - Disease Prevention,Ruminants/OMAFRA
Horns and Their Growth
Horns are the pairs of hard, bonelike, permanent growths projecting from the heads of cattle. They grow from...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Principal Investigators:
MARIO JACQUES Université de Montréal
SIMON DUFOUR Université de Montréal
Jean-Philippe Roy Université de Montréal
Herman Barkema, Jeroen De Buck, David Hall University of Calgary
Marcelo Chaffer, Greg Keefe, Jeffrey Lewis, Anne Muckle,...
Source: Alberta Milk, UCVM, Lorraine Doepel
Milk protein synthesis is an energy intensive process, whereby both dietary energy and protein are highly inter-related in their effect on milk protein yield. The efficiency of dietary protein capture in milk protein is stimulated...
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Min-AD® gave similar performance to sodium bicarbonate in high producing, lactating, dairy cows. The tendency for increased dry matter intake and fecal pH, considered along with the digestibility and body condition data, strongly suggests than Min-AD®...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Fact Sheet written by: Vanessa Taylor - Milk Quality Assurance Program Lead/OMAFRA
Biofilm is made from bacterial cells that can elevate the standard plate count and decrease the quality of milk as it...
Source: Western College of Veterinary Medicine, Aimen Khan
A Western College of Veterinary Medicine (WCVM) researcher and his team are taking a molecular approach to finding a new way of treating a common health issue in the dairy industry.
Dr. Tony...
Source: Alberta Milk, U of A, Burim Ametaj and Michael Gaenzle
Uterine infections after calving cause lower first service per conception rates, longer calving to conception interval, lower submission and pregnancy rates, higher infertility rate, and a higher culling rate. All...
Source: Dairy Research Blog
Results from a five-year NSERC Industrial Research Chair on infectious diseases of dairy cattle led by Dr. Herman Barkema, University of Calgary, will help farmers improve the management of dairy animal health to prevent, manage and...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Castagnino, D.S., Seck, M., Beaudet, V., Kammes, K.L., Voelker Linton, J.A., Allen, M.S., Gervais, R., Chouinard, P.Y., and Girard, C.L. (2016). "Effects of forage family on apparent ruminal synthesis of B vitamins in lactating dairy...
Source: WCDS Advances in Dairy Technology
Automated milking systems (AMS) are already used in 10% of Canadian dairy farms and >20% of dairy farms in Western Canada, with indications of increasing adoption. Therefore, there is increasing need for accurate, early...