Source: National Mastitis Council
Subcommittee of the NMC Research Committee: Ron Erskine, Jim Cullor, Mel Schaellibaum, Bob Yancey and Alfonso Zecconi
Bovine mastitis is the single most common cause for antibacterial use in lactating dairy cattle (18, 24). Treatment of this...
Source: Alberta Milk, UCVM, Lorraine Doepel
The rearing of healthy heifer calves is an essential component of the success of all dairy farms yet little work to date has evaluated the success of various practices. Calves are born with virtually no...
Source: University of British Columbia, Erik Rolfsen
A UBC study published earlier this year found that dairy calves have distinct personality traits from a very young age. Researchers from the faculty of land and food systems tested calves for pessimism, fearfulness...
Source: Dairy Research Blog
Dr. Andrew VanderZaag, a scientist from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and his collaborators from the University of Guelph, OMAFRA, the Livestock Research Innovation Corporation, and Wilfrid Laurier University, measured water use on farms in Ontario to...
Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada
Dairy Farmers of Canada in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and provincial partners, is supporting 10 research projects in dairy cattle health, care and...
Source: US National Library of Medicine
Effective management and an appropriate environment are essential for dairy cattle health and welfare. Codes of practice provide dairy producers with best practice guidance for the care and handling of their cattle. New Canadian...
Source: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Wen Yang and Karen Beauchemin • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Center, Lethbridge, Alberta
Take home message
The physical effectiveness factor (pef) is determined as the proportion of the TMR (as-fed) retained on the 0.75” and 0.31”...
Source: Dairy Cares news release
New research published in the Journal of Dairy Science finds that changing the way manure is stored and handled is key to meeting California's 40 percent dairy manure methane reduction goal and combating climate change.
Source: DRECA, Dr. Burim Ametaj, University of Alberta
Why is this important?
Reproduction failure is the number one cause for culling of dairy cows in Canada. According to DHI records 20% (~57,592 cows) of all dairy cows were culled during 2013, because they...
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry,
Feeding unsaturated fatty acids has been shown to improve reproduction in dairy cows by decreasing pregnancy losses and increasing conception rates. However, previous studies did not focus on their effects on embryonic development.
Two major sources...