Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
While colostrum is the first milk produced after calving, transition milk refers to the milk in the days after calving before it becomes whole milk. The production of colostrum by the...
Source: Johne's Education & Management Assistance Program
L. Pieper, DVM, MSc, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1
A. Godkin, DVM, DVSc, Veterinary Science and Policy Group, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affaires, Canada, N1G...
Source: US National Library of Medicine
Cartwright SL1, Malchiodi F2, Thompson-Crispi K3, Miglior F4, Mallard BA5
Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada N1G 2W1. Electronic address:
Center of Genetic Improvement of Livestock, University of...
Source: Alberta Wheat Commission, Victoria Decker
The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC), Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) and Minnesota Wheat Research and Promotional Council (MWRPC) are pleased to announce their collaborative, cross-border funding of a research project aimed at determining whether...
Source: University of British Columbia
Anyone who has dehorned a calf will tell you this is painful. Pain control for this procedure is now required in the new Code of Practice for Dairy Cattle. Pain during hot-iron dehorning can be...
Source: Ontario MInistry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
While colostrum is the first milk produced after calving, transition milk refers to the milk in the days after calving before it becomes whole milk. The production of colostrum by the...
Source: Saskmilk
ADF 20160165
ALMA 2017R002R
Alberta Mik
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba
Prepared by: Dr. Greg Penner
1. Activities during the reporting period
The project is progressing, generally, as planned. Firstly, 2 M.Sc. students have been recruited as a suitable PhD candidate was not identified.
Source: Alberta Agriculture and Forestry,
M.G. Colazo1 , M. Gobikrushanth 2 , A. Behrouzi 1 , I. López-Helguera 3 , and B. Hoff 4
1Livestock Research Section, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Canada; 2AFNS, University of Alberta, Canada; 3Department of Animal Science,...
Source: Novalait
Project entitled: Improving Fodder Grass in the Context of Climate Change
Édith Charbonneau, Gaétan Tremblay, Gilles Bélanger, Philippe Séguin, Annie Classens, Doris Pellerin, Rachel Gervais, Julie Lajeunesse, Guy Allard, Robert Berthiaume
Due to climate change, fodder production in the province...
Source: Elsevier, ScienceDirect
This study determined the accuracy of a cow-side device to quantify blood BHBA and glucose compared to a laboratory method.
The device was able to accurately measure blood BHBA concentrations and diagnose ketosis in lactating dairy...