Source: Novalait
Project entitled: Improving Fodder Grass in the Context of Climate Change
Édith Charbonneau, Gaétan Tremblay, Gilles Bélanger, Philippe Séguin, Annie Classens, Doris Pellerin, Rachel Gervais, Julie Lajeunesse, Guy Allard, Robert Berthiaume
Due to climate change, fodder production in the province...
Source: Elsevier, ScienceDirect
This study determined the accuracy of a cow-side device to quantify blood BHBA and glucose compared to a laboratory method.
The device was able to accurately measure blood BHBA concentrations and diagnose ketosis in lactating dairy...
Source: University of Saskatchewan, Silvia Menajovsky, Keshia Paddick, and Dr. Greg Penner* University of Saskatchewan Department of Animal and Poultry Science *
There is considerable debate regarding optimal feeding strategies for dairy cows milked with automated milking systems (AMS). Generally, it...
Source: University of British Columbia
Some calves are inherently optimistic or pessimistic, just as humans are, a new University of British Columbia study has found.
Recognizing these individual personality differences is important to ensure animals are treated well, says professor Marina von...
Source: Alberta Milk, UCVM, Lorraine Doepel
Milk protein synthesis is an energy intensive process, whereby both dietary energy and protein are highly inter-related in their effect on milk protein yield. The efficiency of dietary protein capture in milk protein is stimulated...
Source: Iowa State University news release
Iowa State University researchers have found that wind turbines located in agricultural fields are a plus for the crops growing around them.
The overall effects on crops growing in wind farms appear to be positive...
Source: Novalait
Réjean C. Lefebvre, Émile Bouchard, Jocelyn Dubuc, Luc DesCôteaux
The reproductive performance of cows is an important part of dairy farm monitoring and agricultural business profitability. Breeders have been noticing a decrease in the fertility of dairy cows for...
Source: Johne’s Education & Management Assistance Program
Laura Pieper, DVM, MSc, Department of Population Medicine, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1
Ann Godkin, DVM, DVSc, Veterinary Science and Policy Group, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF), Ontario, Canada, NOB...
Source: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Research at the University of Maryland sheds a different light on the photoperiod research previously conducted with milking cows. This article provides a summary of the study and explores practical ways...
Source: Alberta Milk, UCVM: Herman Barkema
Approximately 50% of cows have foot lesions that contribute to lameness, of which 43 % are DD. DD is painful and decreases comfort, longevity, milk production and fertility. Detection of DD lesions is difficult...