Source: Frontiers in Veterinary Science Abstract Determination of antimicrobial susceptibility of bovine mastitis pathogens is important for guiding antimicrobial treatment decisions and for the detection of emerging resistance. Environmental streptococci are ubiquitous in the farm environment and are a frequent cause...
Source: Richard, F., Chouinard, Y. and Pothier, F., Département des sciences animales, Université Laval (Québec, QC).  A typical lactation curve can be described as increasing from initial yield at calving to maximum or peak yield, maintaining peak yield, and decreasing from...
Source: von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. et al. Dairy cows value access to pasture as highly as fresh feed. Sci. Rep. 7, 44953; doi: 10.1038/srep44953 (2017). Many dairy cows in the developed world are now housed exclusively indoors with fewer...
Abstract The reduction in milk production caused by subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle was assessed through the regression of test day milk yield on log-transformed somatic cell counts (LnSCC). Data was obtained from Valacta, Quebec, and a total of 312,756...
It is true... As an industry we ask Canadian dairy producers to collect A LOT of data on the animals in your herd. Our primary purpose for such data collection is to offer valuable reports and services to assist...