Source: ScienceDirect
The objective was to evaluate the potential of milk fat-to-protein ratio (F:P), milk fat-to-lactose ratio (F:L), and milk protein-to-lactose ratio (P:L) as tools to assist with the preliminary screening of cows that need extra attention and are at...
Source: Cell Genomics
Ruidong Xiang 1 2 3 12, Lingzhao Fang 4 5, Shuli Liu 6, Iona M. Macleod 2, Zhiqian Liu 2, Edmond J. Breen 2, Yahui Gao 7, George E. Liu 7, Albert Tenesa 4 8, CattleGTEx Consortium,...
Source: University of British Columbia
By Jessica C.S. Marques, Joyce P.O Maciel, Jose Denis-Robichaud, Rodrigo S. Conceicao, Amanda M. Bega, Sydney Moore, and Ronaldo L.A. Cerri
The use of sensor technologies to detect estrus (period of sexual receptivity) has increased throughout...
Source: DRECA
Why is this important?
Most people have heard about probiotics and what these compounds can do to aid gut health in humans and other animals. Many producers have likely heard researchers, service providers, nutritionists or veterinarians speak about the...
Deepashree Kand
Available from Halchemix Canada
Heat stress in animals affects physiological and metabolic processes causing a negative impact on health and performance, which leads to economic losses for producers. Dairy cows are sensitive to heat stress as they have high...
Source: smaXtec news release
New research conducted in collaboration between smaXtec and the Austrian Agricultural Research and Education Center (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein indicates that smaXtec's state-of-the-art bolus technology can help reduce methane emissions per unit (kg) of milk by up to...
Klibs N. Galvão 2
It is well established that early cyclicity results in increased pregnancy per artificial insemination (PAI) and decreased time to pregnancy (Thatcher and Wilcox 1973; Darwash et al. 1997; Galvão et al. 2010). Treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone...
Source: Michigan State University, Heather Chapman, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology, and Brook Wilke, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station
There are many ways to establish pollinator habitat. This case study provides one example for farmers who are interested in establishing habitat...
Source: RDAR
Developing a vaccine that is effective at controlling or eradicating paratuberculosis from the dairy industry is highly desirable.
The successful development of a vaccine will be a significant step forward, not only for the control of the animal...
Source: University of California, Davis CLEAR Center; California Dairy Research Foundation
Analysis by UC Davis researchers shows continued implementation of California's incentive-based dairy methane reduction efforts should, by 2030, achieve the full 40% reduction goal.
The California Dairy Research Foundation (CDRF) and University of California,...