Source: Journal of Dairy Research Abstract The study in this research paper was undertaken with a hypothesis that accelerometer data can be used to improve monitoring of energy balance in dairy cows. Animals of high (select, S) and average (control, C)...
Source: Cornell University. "Nutrition solution can help heat-stressed cows as US warms." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 5 August 2022. <>. Rising temperatures pose major challenges to the dairy industry -- a Holstein's milk production can decline 30 to 70% in warm weather...
Natural whey cultures (NWC) are undefined multiple-strain bacterial starter communities that can be affected by even small changes along the entire dairy chain. We applied a multidisciplinary approach to investigate how the addition of 2 mycotoxin-detoxifying agents to...
Source: Elsevier Increasing frequency and size of wildfires in the United States over the past several decades affect everything from human life and health to air quality, biodiversity, and land use. The US dairy industry is not exempt from these...
The transition period for dairy cows, or periparturient period, is generally considered to span the time-frame 3-weeks prior to 3-weeks post parturition.  During each of these 3-week periods, cows are challenged with negative energy and protein balance due to...
Source: Ohio State University Extension April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk Prices In the last issue, the Class III futures for April and May were at $23.29/cwt and $23.50/cwt, respectively. Class III milk...
Source: Lecorps, B., Woodroffe, R.E., von Keyserlingk, M.A.G. et al. Assessing cognitive performance in dairy calves using a modified hole-board test. Anim Cogn (2022). Abstract The hole-board test has been used to assess working and reference memory in a variety of species, but not...
Source: National Library of Medicine Ellen de Jong 1, Klaas Frankena 2, Karin Orsel 1 Affiliations 1Department of Production Animal Health Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Calgary Calgary Canada. 2Adaptation Physiology Group Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences Wageningen University & Research Wageningen The Netherlands. Abstract Background: A comprehensive...
Source: Kansas State University news release New research at Kansas State University reveals how probiotics may not be as beneficial for animal and human health as thought. Probiotics, in most uses, are organisms considered to be beneficial for gut health in...
Source: University of Guelph Proactive approach improves herd health, say researchers By Karli Longthorne Low blood calcium levels after calving are an issue in dairy herds, especially in older cows, from their third lactation on. Some producers take a reactive approach by giving...