Source: Manitoba Agriculture Food, and Rural Initiatives
Cow comfort is becoming an often heard phrase in today's industry trade papers. It's a means to describe relationship between the well being of the cow and the housing systems. Cow comfort improvement focuses...
Source: University of Georgia
To maximize milk production, efficiency and profits, the dairy industry must place considerable pressure on the modern dairy cow. With animal health and welfare in mind, mature animals are bred to calve once a year and...
Source: Pennsylvania State University
Body condition influences productivity, reproduction, health, and longevity of dairy cattle. Thinness or fatness can be a clue to underlying nutritional deficiencies, health problems, or improper herd management. If done on a regular basis, body condition...
Source: Michigan State University Extension, Jerad Jabore
Proper management of young calves is essential for their success throughout life. It is critical to ensure that each calf receives an adequate amount of high-quality colostrum for the transfer of immunoglobulins from...
Source: By Julie Davis, AEM Senior Director of Workforce and Industry Initiatives, SHRM-CP
It's no secret to anyone working in equipment manufacturing the ever-growing technician shortage is a problem poised to get a lot worse before it gets better.
According to...
Source: Michigan State University Extension, Victor Malacco
Several management strategies are available to help cows cope with heat stress minimizing its negative effects.
As spring rolls in, it’s time to consider protecting our dairy cows from the dangers of warmer days. All...
Source: West Virginia University
After a flood, precautions should be taken so that livestock do not get ill by feeding on forages that have been contaminated by soil, bacteria and flood debris contained in flood water.
Standing forage (pasture and hay...
Source: FCC
Canadian agriculture producers are becoming more comfortable with the adoption of digital data tools and farm management software, bolstering their trust in the technology according to a RealAgristudies survey.
The survey shows how farmers are adopting digital tools and...
Source: Government of Alberta
“These technical guidelines were developed by the Technical Advisory Group, a partnership among the Government of Alberta, the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) and the agriculture industry, to add clarity to the regulations under the Agricultural...
Source: University of Kentucky
The transition period from the end of gestation into the milking herd is a critical point of management on a dairy. This period consists of the three weeks before calving and the three weeks after calving. ...