Source: USDA news release
USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) forecasts that U.S. net cash farm income (NCFI), defined as gross cash income minus cash expenses, will decrease by $42.2 billion (25.8 percent) to $121.7 billion in 2024 in inflation-adjusted dollars....
Source: American Farm Bureau Federation news release
The American Farm Bureau Federation sent a letter today to U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Gloria Montaño Greene and Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux urging the agencies to open enrollment for...
Source: American Farm Bureau Federation news release
The American Farm Bureau Federation sent a letter today to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack urging the agency to issue a final decision on an emergency basis to speed the implementation...
Source: Organic Valley news release
Organic Valley, the largest cooperative of organic farmers in the nation, announced today that the first agreements and payments have been provided to initial organic farmers participating in Organic Valley's Carbon Insetting Program (OVCIP).
Building off...
Source: National Dairy Herd Information Association news release
The National Dairy Herd Information Association (DHIA) Scholarship Committee picked 14 high school seniors and college students to receive a $1,000 scholarship. Committee members ranked applicants based on scholastic achievements, leadership in...
Source: American Dairy Association North East
he Pennsylvania Farm Show's 33rd butter sculpture, "Table for All: Pennsylvania Dairy Connects Communities," celebrated the important connection between the Commonwealth's farmers and their local communities through the wholesome food that they produce.
The deconstruction...
Source: University of Nebraska–Lincoln
The research team is composed of University of Nebraska–Lincoln faculty members from the Department of Animal Science and Department of Biological Systems Engineering, along with researchers from the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center,...
In 2023, Wisconsin experienced a decline of 455 dairy farms, as reported by the state's Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. Similarly, Minnesota lost 146 dairy farms from January 1st to the end of November, indicating a potential...
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has filed a lawsuit against Evergreen Acres, a dairy farm in Stearns County, alleging wage theft, substandard housing, and a culture of fear and violence. The suit claims that the farm failed to pay...
Source: National Milk Producers Federation
The November margin under the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program inched up $0.14/cwt from a month earlier to $9.58/cwt, marking its first time in 2023 above the maximum $9.50/cwt Tier 1 coverage level.
The monthly change was...