Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, and Adriana Valcu-Lisman The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for June 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s “World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates”...

Doug McKalip, Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) is keeping specialty crops in focus for trade deals and working on disputes under the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). Chief...
MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - To kick off National Dairy Month in Wisconsin, the Adopt a Dairy Cow Campaign is making a return to help provide those in need with a nutritious item rarely donated to local foodbanks. The Adopt a Dairy Cow...
Source: USDA news release The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announces assistance for dairy producers with the new Organic Dairy Marketing Assistance Program (ODMAP). ODMAP is established to help mitigate market volatility, higher input and transportation costs, and unstable feed...
Source: USDA by Russell Knight, Hannah Taylor, William Hahn, Angel Terán, Mildred Haley, Grace Grossen, and Adriana Valcu-Lisman The Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook for May 2023 analyzes economic impacts of month-to-month changes in USDA’s “World Agricultural Supply and Use Estimates”...
Source: Dairy Management Inc. news release Industry leaders and stakeholders from across the dairy value chain discussed priorities, best practices, challenges, work and considered opportunities that align U.S. dairy and collectively puts the industry on a path to providing sustainable...
Source: Dairy Management Inc. news release The dairy checkoff is bringing a new approach to building trust with young Americans by helping high school curriculum writers across the country incorporate accurate science behind dairy farming. The "On The Farm STEM"...
Source: California Dairy Research Foundation UC researchers examine California dairy's path to climate neutrality in new study. DAVIS, Calif., May 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- A new peer-reviewed study published by researchers from the CLEAR Center at the University of California at Davis...
Source: American Farm Bureau Federation news release The American Farm Bureau Federation is urging the U.S. Department of Agriculture to accept the petition of the National Milk Producers Federation for a long-overdue comprehensive Federal Milk Marketing Order hearing to ensure...
Source: USDA Annual milk cost of production estimates vary by State and the size of operation. These estimates are shown below. For national and regional annual milk cost of production estimates, please go to the commodity costs and returns section. Milk...