Ceres Tag Establishes First North American Headquarters in Kansas


Overland Park, Kansas, has been selected as the location for the first North American headquarters of Ceres Tag, an Australian company specializing in direct-to-satellite animal monitoring technology.

Ceres Tag’s innovative solar-charged smart monitoring sensors attach to the ears of livestock and wildlife, transmitting data directly to satellites. This technology enhances tracking accuracy, productivity, and conservation efforts while seamlessly integrating with existing software infrastructure. By providing scalable and minimally invasive solutions, Ceres Tag aims to revolutionize animal location and health monitoring for farmers, ranchers, and wildlife managers.

The new headquarters will initially accommodate four to six employees, with additional sales representatives positioned strategically across the United States. The company’s expansion into Kansas is expected to attract further interest from Australian animal health innovators looking to enter the North American market.

Ceres Tag’s Overland Park office will be located at 6550 Sprint Parkway, Suite 200, Overland Park, KS 66211.