Consider using alternatives to palm supplements, says Dairy Farmers of Canada


Source: Dairy Farmers of Canada

Dairy Farmers across Canada have listened attentively to the concerns expressed by consumers in recent weeks over the use of animal feed supplements containing palm by-products.

Dairy farmers across Canada have listened attentively to the concerns expressed by consumers in recent weeks over the use of animal feed supplements containing palm by-products.

In light of these concerns, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) had previously announced the formation of a working group of experts to assess current scientific literature, identify gaps in information, and look into issues that have been raised by consumers. Academics from different relevant areas along with sector experts will come together shortly to begin the work. DFC will also seek the views of consumers as part of this exercise.

It is essential that decisions be made on a factual basis and that science guide our sector, hence the creation of a working group of experts. In the interim, DFC is asking dairy farmers to consider alternatives to palm supplements.

Notwithstanding this announcement, we stress that all milk produced in Canada is as safe as always to consume and is subject to Canada’s robust health and safety standards. We also note that all animal feeds used on dairy farms are approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and are safe for animals.

Dairy farmers work every day to produce milk according to some of the most rigorous standards and they are committed to continuing to exceed consumers’ expectations.