Dairy Farm Decline Persists in Wisconsin and Minnesota


In 2023, Wisconsin experienced a decline of 455 dairy farms, as reported by the state’s Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. Similarly, Minnesota lost 146 dairy farms from January 1st to the end of November, indicating a potential 7.4% reduction in dairy farms for the year. The specific farm numbers for Minnesota on January 1st are not yet available.

Breaking down the losses in Wisconsin, 50 farms were lost in April, 48 in October, and 47 in July. Meanwhile, Minnesota recorded the loss of 58 dairy farms in November and 34 in August. It’s important to note that not all states keep track of licensed dairy farm numbers.

According to the USDA, although the country has approximately 2% more milk cows than a decade ago, there is a decrease in both dairy cattle and farmers managing them compared to the previous year.