Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s statement on COVID-19


Source: Dairy Farmers of Ontario

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From Cheryl Smith, Dairy Farmers of Ontario’s Chief Executive Officer: 

“During these uncertain times that see our lives changing day by day, including the closing of all non-essential services in Ontario, be assured Ontario’s dairy farmers remain fully operational and engaged in producing high-quality milk for all communities across the province.

“We continue to be in constant contact with our partners along the supply chain, as well as with provincial, federal and local governments and Dairy Farmers of Canada to ensure you have uninterrupted access to domestic dairy products.

“We are also focused on keeping Ontario’s 3,400-plus dairy producers, their families, processors, transporters and those working in support industries safe and healthy. We want to thank the many public health officials, organizations, front-line healthcare workers and all those who, tirelessly, provide care and work to contain the spread of this virus in a challenging environment.

“Dairy Farmers of Ontario continues to be committed to supporting the communities where we work and live. Not only providing high-quality milk for the entire province, but also by ensuring we continue to take every step necessary to operate safely and responsibly at this time when it matters most.”



  1. Why are some farmers having to dump their milk?
    Their is a limit for what people are allowed to purchase in stores. Yet farmers are being told to dump their milk. This does not make sense.
    Please clarify with a good explanation.
    Erica Marks

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